Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Detox Baths: Brushing is an Added Bonus for Your Body!

You've read about the health benefits of soaking in a bath with mineral salts, and have finally decided to try it.  You've read the recipes.  You know how much of each salt to use.  And then the fragrance, the essential top off the bath with a pleasant aroma with the evaporating water.

For a detox bath, most recommend doing it when you are not in a hurry to get anywhere.  About 45 minutes is needed in total for both phases of the experience.  The first half - detoxification, the second, absorption of the mineral salts.

Author Simon Speed.  A prepackaged bath salt solution.

However, the Sphere of Health recommends that you allot just a little bit more time than the usual 45 minutes.  There are two additional steps that can be taken to further detox your body, giving better results than the bath alone.  These two steps are dry and wet skin brushing.

The dry skin brushing is done before you get in the bath.  A tutorial on skin brushing can be found here.  This step will exfoliate the skin, helping to clear the pores as well as possible before the bath, to achieve maximum flush and absorption.  It also stimulates the lymphatic system, facilitating outflow of the toxins.

After your bath is done, stand up slowly, and use the skin brush again in the same manner, before you dry off.  Stimulation of the lymphatic system will get available remnants out that were not released with the soaking.  Do this right away, so that the pores of your skin are still wide open and can release the maximum amount of waste.

To achieve maximum detoxification, dry brush your skin before for about three minutes before the bath, and wet brush three minutes afterwards.

Always remember, do not take a mineral salt detox bath when you are pregnant, or if you have excessively high blood pressure, kidney or heart problems.

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