Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Everyday Habits That Stimulate the Lymphatic System

The lymphatic system is one of the unsung heroes of the immune system.  It houses a large percentage of white blood cells, and acts as the main drainage system of toxins.  Eating correctly, and exercise are essential components of health, but most people, at least to some degree, ignore their lymphatic system, and thus are not completely maximizing their immune system.

In addition to ridding the body of toxins, the lymphatic system is a component of the circulatory system, aiding it in processing blood, and the interstitial plasma back to the blood that has been filtered.

As covered in a previous article, one of the most thorough activities you can do to stimulate the lymphatic system and aid in its detoxification capabilities is to take a mineral salt bath.  However, that is not an everyday activity.  There are short, daily things you can do to help keep it functioning at an optimal level.

A diagram of the lymphatic system.  It consists of a network of organs, nodes, and vessels.

Have a Little Fruit

If you get hungry in between meals, the best option is a piece of fruit.  Most people are aware of the antioxidants, vitamins, and various nutrients contained in fruit.  But there are also enzymes that act as cleansing agents for the lymph system.  That is one reason fruit is used as part of a detox diet.

Practice Deep Breathing
It is said that he who half breathes, half lives.  As stated above, the lymphatic system is part of the circulatory system.  While there are organs involved in the production of lymph, there is no organ that is responsible for distributing it through the body.  That is done via respiration.  Deeper, stronger breaths will move the lymph more effectively.
If deep breathing stimulates the lymph system, then it only stands to reason that doing the very thing that is most likely to cause deep breathing will also be beneficial.  In addition, exercise makes everything flow faster - the alimentary chain, the blood, the sweat of toxins from the body.

Skin Brushing
Dry skin brushing is one of the lesser known ways to stimulate the flow of your lymphatic system.  The technique on how to do it is here.  It can be done before a shower, and it only takes about three minutes to complete.
Contrast Temperatures in the Shower
For some of you, maybe for most of you, this won't exactly be the most comfortable of the options.  But it is very beneficial, and doesn't take any extra time.  You are doing it during a task that you would normally do anyway.  In the shower, alternate between hot and cold water.  As hot and as cold as you can possibly stand.  The expansion and contraction of the blood vessels will also work the lymphatic system.
Elevate Your Legs
Lay on the floor, you can use a pillow and even a mat if you'd like, in order to make it more comfortable, if your rug is not soft enough.  Place your butt very close to the wall, and lay with your legs fully elevated at or near a 90 degree angle.  Lay like this for five to ten minutes.  This posture provides maximum stimulation of the lymph in the legs.
Massage Yourself
Be sure to use light pressure, as most of your lymphatic system is in the interstitial area, directly below the skin.  The most important points to do this are in your nodal and especially the gland areas, such as in the neck, behind the ear, the spleen, which is in the area just below the sternum, and the glands in the groin area.

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