Friday, April 8, 2016

Fluoride: The Legal, Government Induced Toxin in the Water Supply

In the continuing midst of the scandal concerning the Flint water supply, a failure of all government levels has been revealed.  The public, especially the residents of Flint and in Michigan, are rightfully outraged at this complete lack of regard for human health and safety.  Lead is a heavy metal that is most often actively sought out to be purged during the processing.  The reasons for this are discussed here.  However, while the lead crisis largely originated due to sloth, there is another toxin that also exists in our drinking water.  This is not only present in the Flint water supply, but all across the United States.  This action is in some aspects even worse; it is purposely placed in the water by the governments.  This element is also found in your toothpaste.  We are speaking of none other than fluoride.

What is the Difference Between Fluoride in Toothpaste and Fluoride in Water?

A good question indeed.  If fluoride indeed helps strengthen and protect the enamel of your teeth, then why is it such an atrocity that it is in our water?  This, believe it or not, can be answered very simply.  Just because a substance MAY be beneficial when applied topically, does not mean that it is beneficial to ingest.  Anti-fungal sprays are effective at getting rid of Athlete's Foot, however, swallowing them would not be recommended.  Same with skin cream.  Whether fluoride is even a benefit topically is also a matter of debate.  However, the evidence for detrimental health effects that come from ingesting it are overwhelming.

Dental fluorosis is a condition that is developed in children who consume too much fluoride.  The single biggest factor is the swallowing of toothpaste, either the direct gel, or the lather.  However, the drinking of tap water is also a significant contributing factor, due to the fact that children have a higher retention rate of fluoride than adults.

Most, if not all, fluoride toothpaste has a warning not to swallow the lather.  The effects of swallowing fluoride are cumulative in the body, similar to lead.  Fluoride can be actively detoxed from the body, but it is not automatically flushed out like many other toxins.  It accumulates in the bones, rendering people more prone to diseases such as osteoporosis at an earlier age.  It also raises the risk of cancers.

Many Countries Have Already Removed Fluoride from Drinking Water

The United States is currently one of the very few countries in the world that fluoridates the majority of their drinking water.  It has been taken out of virtually every county in Western Europe.  It has even been eliminated in China, as well as India.  In the early part of last decade, Israel passed a law mandating the use of fluoride, only to be repealed a little over a decade later due to the advocacy of scientists.

Why the Lack of Outrage?

The Sphere of Health plans on expounding on this topic in greater detail in the near future.  The short answer is: the way it has been campaigned in contrast to other elements such as lead.  While lead has been rightfully warned against by scientists and governments, fluoride has received the opposite press, due to it's (supposed) benefit for people's teeth when topically applied.  People tend to trust, often to their detriment, the declarations of official policymakers.

Recently declassified government documents have shown that fluoride played a key role in the development of the atomic bomb.  As it was utilized during the process, much of it was also released into the surrounding environment.  To protect the politically connected companies who manufactured this from extensive class action lawsuits, appointed scientists "found" that fluoride was not harmful.  Fortunately for roughly a third of the U.S. population, many municipalities have not signed on to this scam, and have fortunately rejected the fluoridation process for their water supply.
Reducing your Fluoride Intake

As this has not of yet gotten come to the forefront of the minds of people in the United States, the Sphere of Health seeks to raise awareness of the hazards of consistently taking in this chemical.  Until public policy is changed regarding the insertion of this unnecessary and harmful toxin in our water, you should take steps to reduce the amount of fluoride that you ingest.

If you use a fluoride toothpaste, make certain your mouth is thoroughly rinsed out before swallowing any liquid.  Rinse your mouth at least three times with vigorous swishing, along with gargling, to get any lather that may have reached the back of the tongue.  Make sure your children do the same, and keep the toothpaste out of reach of small children, that they may not get to it when they are out of your sight.  Ideally, it is best to look for a non-fluoridated toothpaste for children.

You can also purchase a water filter.  However, not every type of filter will eliminate fluoride.  Reverse osmosis filters, deionizers, and activated alumina filters are most effective.  Additionally, you can also opt to buy spring water specifically for drinking.

While both green and black tea have numerous proven health benefits, they also do contain some natural fluoride.  Because of their powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory capabilities, they definitely should not be avoided.  However, do not overindulge; drink in moderation.

Cook your food with stainless steel or iron as opposed to teflon coated, non-stick pans.  Teflon is a fluoridated carbon chain with the formula (C2F4)n.  When it is heated, some of it will be released into the food.


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