Tuesday, May 17, 2016

How Fluoride Damages the Body Systems

When fluoride is ingested and reaches the stomach, it reacts with its hydrochloric acid (HCl).  The fluoride ion will displace the chlorine, due to its strong oxidation power, and form hydrogen fluoride (HF).  After it passes into the intestine and is absorbed, it will pass intact into the blood stream.  Because it is such a strong oxidizer, your liver will not be able to biotransform it into something more benign.  Since blood runs through all tissues, fluoride will invade all systems of the body.

For several valid reasons, countries around the world have discontinued adding fluoride to their water systems.  Despite the insistence of the American Dental Association, providers in the United States should absolutely follow suit.  Whether or not something can be shown to have a benefit when applied topically does not mean it is not harmful if it is ingested.

A system of reverse osmosis.  Water purifiers that have this system are extremely effective at ridding your tap water of fluoride.


Children are the most vulnerable to the adverse effects of ingested fluoride in teeth.  Dental fluorosis is a condition where the teeth become hypomineralized.  In other words, they have less minerals, namely calcium, in their enamel than what is normal.  This results in softer enamel, which is more likely to fracture if something hard is bitten, as well as being more vulnerable to decay if the fluorosis is serious enough.  Nearly 40% of children in the United States have at least a small degree of dental fluorosis.

Skeletal System

When hydrofluoric acid reaches the bones, they react with the positively charged calcium ions in the various compounds that make up bone tissue, and form calcium fluoride.  The body then seeks to excrete this product.  A continuous process of this over many years results in decreased bone density, due to the subtraction of calcium.  As you age, bone tissue regenerates more slowly.  Continued subtraction of calcium puts you at much higher risk of osteoporosis.  Even when you are younger, it renders you more susceptible to bone fracture than you would be otherwise, as the reduced calcium takes away both strength and flexibility.

Bones are not the only target of fluoride in the skeletal system.  Hydrofluoric acid also can cause calcification of your cartilage.  This will have the effect of increasing your chances of developing arthritis, and also exacerbating the problem for those who already have the condition.

Digestive System

Your thyroid is a multi-functioning organ.  It helps regulate the synthesis of proteins, helps control your body's metabolism, and produces hormones that regulate how many of your other body systems will function.  One of the healthiest and most essential trace elements for optimal thyroid function is iodine.  Iodine is an non-metal element in the halogen group.  The danger to the thyroid is that because it is very receptive to halogens, that means it is also receptive to fluoride.  While iodine is beneficial, fluorine is harmful to your thyroid.  Your hormone output and regulation can be partially disrupted from taking in fluorine.  It is especially important for those who have been exposed to fluorine to take in enough iodine to help counteract the effect.

The toxicity of fluoride to the kidneys has also been long known.  Children's kidneys are even more sensitive than those of adults.  Since small children sometimes swallow the lather of their toothpaste, it is wise to have them use non-fluoride brands.

Brain and Nervous System

Despite previous thoughts to the contrary, fluoride has been shown to be capable of crossing the blood-brain barrier.  There have been over forty studies similar to this that have concluded that fluoride both impedes neural development, and contributes to the development of low IQ in children.  More so than adults, children are also susceptible to having their motor skills impeded during the development process.

Reproductive System and Fertility

Sperm chemotaxis is the process that causes a sperm cell to be attracted to a female ova.  The journal Archives of Toxicology reported that fluoride can disrupt or inhibit this process, which results in egg fertilization becoming drastically more difficult.

Because fluoride can also cause calcification in the pineal gland, it can also affect the onset of female puberty.  It is highly probable that the observation of girls reaching puberty at an earlier age in recent decades has fluoride as at least one of its culprits.  Higher obesity rates among juveniles is also a factor.

If you do not already have one in your possession, it is wise to reduce your exposure to fluorine by obtaining an adequate anti-fluoride water filter.

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