Monday, November 10, 2014

How to Eliminate Fluoride From Your Body

In the previous post, readers were alerted to the dangers of consuming fluoride over a long period of time, and those said reasons are why it should no longer be added to the water supply.  Today's article discusses some methods to detoxify your body of ingested fluoride.

Nutrition and Supplementation

Three elemental supplements that are extremely effective in the removal of fluoride are iodine, magnesium, and selenium.  Water supplies have been treated with fluoride in the form of the compound sodium fluoride (NaF).  Iodine reacts with fluoride in the bones and the body excretes it as calcium fluoride.  It should also be noted that the effects of toxicity of fluoride are greatly enhanced when there is iodine deficiency in the body.  Getting enough iodine also promotes an optimally functioning thyroid, so there are multiple reasons to take iodine supplements if it is not present enough in your diet.  Some iodine rich foods are seaweed, cod, shrimp, turkey breast, eggs, tuna, and prunes.  Depending on the source of your animal seafood, mercury intake can be a concern if too much is consumed.  Dried seaweed is very convenient; it is highly concentrated with iodine, and it is low in calories.  Sheets can be found in your local grocery store.

One negative consequence of the iodine removing fluoride from the bones is it also depletes them of some calcium, note it was stated above that it is excreted as calcium fluoride.  So during the detoxification process, it is also important to make sure you take in extra calcium to compensate.

Consuming enough selenium can serve as a two pronged attack on fluoride; it not only detoxifies, but taken regularly, can partially inhibit its absorption.  The highest concentration of selenium can be found in Brazil nuts, which have 544 micrograms per serving.  Compare that with tuna, the second highest, with 94 micrograms.  Some other foods that rank high in selenium are other seafoods, beefsteak, turkey, chicken, eggs, and spinach.

Magnesium also inhibits the absorption of fluoride in your body.  A very relaxing, enjoyable way of taking in magnesium is to, as the ancient Greeks would say, "take the waters".  A warm bath with Epsom salt will readily get magnesium through the pores of your skin.  Some foods high in magnesium are dark leafy greens, especially spinach, nuts and seeds, fish, avocado, bananas, and dark chocolate.


Tamarind has been widely used in Indian Ayurvedic medicine, even though the tree originates from Africa.  It is taken in the form of a tea, made from the pulp and bark of the tree.

Be prepared for a perhaps slightly inconvenient side effect, tamarind also can potentially have a laxative effect on the body.  However, it is a small price to pay for a short period of time to remove fluoride.

Dry Sauna

The sweating from the external stimulus of intense heat can remove sodium fluoride from muscle and many of the fatty tissues of the body through the pores.  Just remember to take caution to not spend an excess amount of time in the sauna and overheat.

Liver Cleanse

When detoxifying the body from any harmful substance or element, be it fluoride, or any other undesirable salt or heavy metal, it is important not to ignore the organ that is most responsible for detoxifying the body.  Over time, toxins that the liver helps filter out of the rest of the body can build up inside it, as it usually does not get rid of 100% of what is ingested.  Therefore, even when not concentrating on fluoride, it is helpful to do periodic liver cleanses.

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