Sunday, November 9, 2014

Sphere of Health Advocates for Water Deflouridation

In recent years, fluoride in the water supply has come under increased scrutiny, and for many good reasons.  There has been no shown benefit to the ingestion of fluoride.  In fact, it has been proven to have numerous dangers.

Fluoride is applied to the teeth in its most concentrated amounts when brushing with toothpaste, using a fluoride mouth rinse, or when receiving a gel application at the dentist.  In all cases, the product is not swallowed.  In fact, the user is specifically told to not swallow the product on the directions of use.  If there was indeed any benefit from fluoride, it is topical, not by ingestion.

A major reason to cease adding fluoride to the water supply is that it has no proven benefit.  Dental decay has been more a product of poverty than of fluoride.  In metropolitan areas where rich and poor communities both share the same water supply, decay was much more prominent in the low income areas.  In fact, the highest rates of decay have been in low income communities with a decades-long history of water fluoridation.

Fluoride has been proven to accumulate in the body, with only around 60% of ingested fluoride excreted by the kidneys in adults.  The percentage is much worse in children, who only excrete about 20%.  Almost all of the accumulation occurs in the bones.  Over time, these leads to conditions such as skeletal fluorosis that not only mimic the painful symptoms of arthritis, but weaken bone, leaving many, especially the elderly, more prone to fractures to major bones such as the hips.

In addition to the bone, the main other target of accumulation is the pineal gland.  This gland is responsible for the production of melatonin.  A build up of fluoride early in life has been shown to reduce the ability of the gland to synthesize and secrete melatonin, which will affect sleep, sleep cycle, and leads to an earlier onset of puberty.  (Schlesinger, 1956, Luke, 2001).

A study done in the Ukraine in 1985 showed that fluoride also affected the function of the thyroid gland.  This would concur with the observation of increasing cases of hypothyroidism and other functional problems related to the gland. 

In conclusion, the fluoridation of water supplies in the United States was done on a baseless and unproven premise of helping people to maintain healthy teeth.  However, the evidence is very strong that the ingestion of fluoride puts people at risk for a multitude of diseases and degeneration, while no proof exists that even topical application has any benefit.  The Sphere of Health writes in hope that you will join the multiplying voices in the call to end water fluoridation.

"I would advise against fluoridation.  Side-effects cannot be excluded...In
Sweden, the emphasis nowadays is to keep the environment as clean
as possible with regard to pharmacologically active and, thus, potentially toxic substances."
- Dr. Arvid Carlsson, co-winner of the Nobel Prize for Medicine 

"Water contains a number of substances that are undesirable, and fluorides are just one of them" - Dr. F. A. Bull, State Dental Director of Wisconsin.

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